Monday, October 09, 2006

What's with 12BC?

A busy month, September, it was, singing at wakes and a wedding. But mostly with the just-christened "12BC". Mimmon calls it "12 Bulilit Choir" since they are only 12 among the 50+ of 29AD.

What's with "12BC" anyway? Was it just a gag of a name? Or a frivolous discern? A messianic coincidence? A Google search reveals a link with the popular Halley's Comet. Named after its discoverer, Edmond Halley, the comet's visibility on earth was first observed on the year 1758, orbiting the solar system (well, the "solar system" as we know it now wasn't widely accepted in those days. That's another discussion).

With his calculations, Halley deduced the comet's earlier chronicle appearances which can be seen in historical records. And from the calculations, the comet appeared--- you guessed it--- in the year 12BC, and October 12BC at that! Historical records that attests to it are the Bible, and even the Dead Sea Scrolls. Now some theologians suggests that the comet's appearance in 12BC could explain the biblical story of the Star of Bethlehem! (yet another scholarly discussion).

Nevertheless, Mimmon or Edmond Halley, a comet or a star, with 12BC or 29AD, Christmas must be around the corner. He is the reason for the season so let's come and worship Him -always.

Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him. - Matthew 2.

By the way, Halley's next "visit" will be 55 years from now, in 2061. The last visit was 1986, twenty years ago. Do the math, it's here every 75 years. Interestingly, the painting above was done by a French Christian painter in the 12th century, long before 17th century Halley. But look at the "star" depicted in the painting. Hmmm.

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